Kedry Kins Domains

Kedry Kins Domain

Inspired by the depth of wisdom in the Ringing Cedars Series books, Kedry Kinds Domain is a community that focuses on solutions to many modern socio/ecological/economical problems. We are transforming into a heart-centered paradigm. In the series, Anastasia details visions for a new earth - she takes us far into the past of how our ancestors of pristine origins lived. She takes us into a brilliant new future as humanity, consciously evolving with the divine energy of love. Right here & now, Kedry Kins Domain is bringing these practices to life. If you are inspired by the grandness of Anastasia's vision and spirituality in the books, it is time to co-create! If you are seeking a sustainable path of healing, truth, connection to mother earth and our human family, come and meet our "clan". We are just coming to know ourselves. We have a community vegetable garden, and are experimenting with permaculture planting on our domains.

Kedry Kins Domains Facebook Group